12 March 2018
Blind tasting match - French final - March 9th 2018
The final of the blind tasting match organized by POL ROGER for the most famous French schools and universities was held at Pol Roger's in Epernay on March 9th 2018, with the following school associations:
- Elyxir from ESSEC
- Dauvigne from Dauphine
- Dionysos from EDHEC Lille
- Sup de coteaux from EM Lyon
- AOC from Kedge Bordeaux
Dionysos (EDHEC tasting club) came first and will take part to the international blind tasting.
The winning team was composed of Chloé ZIVI, Louis BLANCHARD and Ugo TARDIOLI. Each of them won a bottle of Brut Vintage 2009.
Henri FRANGIN, the winner in the individual contest, has been rewarded with a bottle of Cuvée Sit Winston Churchill 2006.
